the bigger the man the bigger the baby

My super gorgeous, super husband and nanny-in-chief to son is ill. Came down with a head cold on Friday and was man-down-and-out over the weekend. I came home to a snotty, wheezy hacky lump of man on Friday and I realised just how spoilt I am! The sprog wasn’t bathed, the house was untidy, no supper and most NB of all… no sundowner in the fridge for me. He usually chills a bottle of wine for us to have before and with sups. I remembered that he’d been at the pub with the guys at lunch time and asked him how he managed that? Said he was the designated driver because he was not feeling well and ‘I don’t go to the pub just for the beer… I go there to connect with the guys and to be with adults.’ Fair enough. I asked what he wanted for supper and got this very pathetic “I don’t know – I can’t really taste or smell anything so no need to haul out the Larousse.” That was all I needed as I really was not in the mood to cook. Decided to make yummy chicken and veg soup for husband and Sprog and I joined friends at Primi. Husband was happy to be home and rest. I must add here that husband suggested I go out. Sprog and I had fun and when we came back, husband was still in the rocking chair where we left him with blankie pulled tightly over him and looking all pale and sadly loitering… I of course was buzzing after a few drinks (don’t worry – I didn’t drive – went with a preggie friend! They are so handy to have around… preggie mommies who wants to be part of the fun and don’t mind carting their sozzled friends around!) Sprog and I went to bed and left grumpy in the lounge. On Saturday morning when we woke up and tried to wake grumpy daddy up all we got ws grunts and snuffles. That’s when I realised super dad was really ill as our morning routine is very special and important to him. Sprog and I traipsed off to the pharmacy to buy muti for dad and went to buy fresh ingredients to make yummy healthy soups and stuff for dad. We cooked and we cooked and we baked and we nursed poor daddy all weekend. I did tell him a couple of times that I didn’t really like him being ill as I found it a turn-off. My usually handsome, strong, virile husband reduced to a lump of snot and tissues… not sexy. Why is it that men become such big babies when they are ill? He felt SO sorry for himself… I’m sure if I offered to call his mommy he would not have stopped me! He even went as far as telling me what his grandma used to do to make him feel better… She used to play with his ear and sing to him! I pretended to not hear that as I’m sure he was angling for me to play with his ear and sing to him. But I suppose underneath it all we are all just babies when we’re not feeling well and whether we want to admit it or not… we would all like to have our mommies take care of us when we’re feeling rotten. Husband is on the mend and he’s slowly becoming his self again. And I have a whole new appreciation for him and all the things he does for me, Sprog and around the house. He’s a rock star and I think if he’s well by this weekend he can have the entire Saturday off and be with the guys to watch Super 14 rugby!

8 thoughts on “the bigger the man the bigger the baby

  1. parent24ed

    My Ouma used to make me fresh veggie soup if I was sick. To this day a parsnip makes me feel nurtured.

  2. parent24ed

    My Ouma used to make me fresh veggie soup if I was sick. To this day a parsnip makes me feel nurtured.

  3. rochelle.barrish

    tee hee hee! That is sweet. Amazing how seemingly arb things can have such comforting connotations. My Nanna used to put a flower in my hair everytime she saw me. To this day I feel like a million bucks if I have a flower in my hair!

  4. rochelle.barrish

    tee hee hee! That is sweet. Amazing how seemingly arb things can have such comforting connotations. My Nanna used to put a flower in my hair everytime she saw me. To this day I feel like a million bucks if I have a flower in my hair!


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