Daily Archives: June 26, 2010

Rotting lungs and hospital visits

Two days before my birthday I went to a Boo gig with a friend. I behaved like a singleton, shots and fags galore. I knew I’d pay but I had no idea how dearly. Was felled by a lung infection the next week. Took me a week to get to Doc because I thought I could self-medicate. A week of cortisone, antibiotics and some nasty nasal spray later I was still not well and endured three nights of hell before I had an attack similar to what asthmatics have and had to get to a hospital in a hurry. I was ECGed and pricked and prodded and tested and X-rayed. They know what it is not – pnuemonia, collapsed lung and all the other pulmonary delights but don’t know what it is. My inner nerd says it’s the four fags I had at the gig and also all the secondary smoke I inhaled.

I’m on my second course of antibiotics and after having the third tablet I can already feel the difference. They’ve thrown these hectic antibiotics at the rotting lungs and want to see me in a week’s time to see if they can see anything else they missed this time around.

I don’t know how asthmatics do it. My close encounter left me very shaken and scared.